When Ohio became a state their constitution set the northern border as "an east and west line drawn through the southern extreme of Lake Michigan, running east...until it shall intersect Lake Erie or the territorial line [with Canada]; thence with the same, through Lake Erie to the Pennsylvania line aforesaid." This in effect stole the port of Miami (later to be called Toledo) from the territory of Michigan. When Congress finally got around to having it surveyed they hired former Ohio Governor Edward Tiffen, who at no surprised surveyed the line in accordance with the Ohio Constitution and not the Northwest Ordinance. Michigan was forced to pay for a new survey that found the Ohio border to be below the mouth of the Maumee River. This disputed area became known as the Toledo strip. This area was and still is a commercially important area.Ohio refused to cede its claim, Michigan quietly occupied it for the next several years, setting up local governments, building roads, and collecting taxes throughout the area.
After some laws passed by both sides with Ohio making the disputed area Lucas County and Michigan passing a law that made it a criminal offense for Ohio to carry out governmental actions in the Strip, under penalty of a fine up to $1,000 and/or up to five years imprisonment at hard labor. Michigan occupied Toledo with 1000 troops while Ohio was able to field 600 troops.
In a attempt to prevent armed battle President Jackson stepped in. Being Ohio was already a state, and he needed the votes Jackson sided with Ohio. (They voted Whig that year and he lost the re-election)On June 15, 1836, Jackson signed a bill that allowed Michigan to become a state, but only after it ceded the Toledo Strip. In exchange for this concession, Michigan would be granted the western three-quarters of the Upper Peninsula (the easternmost portion had already been included in the state boundaries). Michigan promptly rejected this, but due to financial hardships accepted this on December 14, 1836. Michigan picked up the rest of the Upper peninsula although it was deemed worthless at the time and Ohio gained the Toledo strip.
The latest adjustment in the border happened in 1915, and in 1973 Michigan lost half of Turtle Island to Ohio.
Michigan has never signed a peace agreement with Ohio. The war is still on and we want our land back with monies lost, The Upper Peninsula would have still came to Michigan as 1/3 of it was already part of our territory. Unlike Ohio,Michigan still has a Militia that we can send to defend our territory, after all they have defended us from evil Canada all these years.
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