Propinquus per quod attero per propinquus certamen quod Decursus
Κλείστε με και καταστρέψτε μέσω του στενών αγώνα και του ελιγμού
Close with and destroy through close combat and maneuver
A blog about Military present and History
Propinquus per quod attero per propinquus certamen quod Decursus
Κλείστε με και καταστρέψτε μέσω του στενών αγώνα και του ελιγμού
Close with and destroy through close combat and maneuver
Dozens of Marines have distinguished themselves off the battlefield after they left the Corps. Here are a few individuals who have made it big on the small or silver screen.
Don Adams Hugh O’Brian Bea Arthur Drew Carey James Carville Brian Dennehy Dale Dye David Eigenberg R. Lee Ermey Mike Farrell | Glenn Ford Chris George Gene Hackman B. Gerard James Bob Keeshan Harvey Keitel Mills Lane Jim Lehrer Lee Marvin Ed McMahon | Steve McQueen Oliver North Randy Orton George Peppard Tyrone Power Robert Remus George C. Scott Montel Williams Jonathan Winters Ed Wood |